Safety Protocols

Given the renewed focus on the health and public safety of beauty professionals and their clients, the following protocols will be implemented to make everyone more comfortable. This plan incorporates best practices according to infection control subject matter experts and may take more aggressive steps than the recommendations of the Alabama Board of Cosmetology, City of Tuscaloosa or the State of Alabama. It is important that best practices be followed for the health of our Clients and our Team.

 On-Going Safety Protocols

Disinfectants / PPE:

*Disinfectant must be EPA-registered and labeled as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal

*Disinfectant for immersion must be made fresh daily and replaced if it becomes contaminated sooner

*Any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used is single use and must be changed after each client, for example gloves and smocks

*Hands must be washed after removing gloves

Practical changes:

*Point of Sale terminals: the touch pad will be disinfected frequently

*We will disinfect the reception counter, door handles, phones and writing implements at the beginning of the day and every 1-2 hours, based on traffic

*Use of masks/gloves by our Team for all services except hair cutting, upon request

*Decline services for any client that exhibits signs of illness

 Hand Hygiene:

*Our Team will wash their hands with soap/water for 30 seconds before/after eating and using the restroom

*Our Team will wash and sanitize their hands immediately before and after providing a client service

*We will provide hand sanitizer at reception desk and other areas for Clients and Team

*Our Team will maintain intact skin by frequent use of lotion

General Cleaning and Disinfection:

*All implements (non-porous) being used on more than 1 client must be cleaned and disinfected for the full contact time on the disinfectant label before being used

*Stations, chairs, rolling carts and any other storage containers will be disinfected daily


*All towels/capes laundered (porous) or disinfected (non-porous) after a single use

*All towels/linens dried until “hot to the touch”

*All towels/linens stored in a closed and covered container

Cleaning and Disinfection of Implements and Surfaces:

*Clean item or surface: Cleaning is intended to prepare the item or surface so that disinfectant can make full contact with the material and be effective against all pathogens listed on the label

*Cleaning may be done with soap/water, chemical cleaner or wipe

*Rinse and dry implement or surface

*Disinfect using a properly concentrated disinfectant made for immersion, a spray or wipe

*All disinfectants must be EPA-registered as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal

*Observe full contact time on manufacturers label

*This means that implement or surface must stay visibly wet for full contact time listed

*Immersed items should be removed at the end of contact time, rinsed and dried with a paper towel or clean, freshly laundered towel

 Cleaning and Disinfection of Electrical Implements:

*Clean implement with wipe or spray and remove any debris, such as hair

*Use an EPA-registered bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal spray, foam or wipe to disinfect implement for full contact time listed on the manufacturers label

*When contact time is complete, dry with paper towel or clean, freshly laundered towel